Friday, December 6, 2013

Winter Recital Concerts and Attire

Winter recitals are taking place at Ambrit every week until Winter Break. Find your class below for date and attire.

Grades 2-3, Tuesday, December 10, 9:30 in the Theater.
Wear black and white, any combination. Nice shoes, no sports clothes. Dress up!

Grades 4-5, Thursday, December 12, 9:30 in the Theater.
Wear black and white, any combination. Nice shoes, no sports clothes. Dress up!

Grades 6-7, Friday, December 13, 19:00 in the Theater.
Black pants or jeans for both boys and girls. Black non-sport shoes and black socks or stockings. Students not in choir or orchestra will be given red Ambrit music T-shirts. This is a required concert.

Grade 8, Tuesday, December 17, 19:00 in the Theater.
Black pants or jeans for both boys and girls. Black non-sport shoes and black socks or stockings. Students not in choir or orchestra will be given red Ambrit music T-shirts. This is a required concert.

Nursery, Tuesday, December 17, 10:00 in the Classroom.
Wear red, white, green in any combination. Dress up!

Kinder, Thursday, December 19, 10:00 in the Theater
Wear red, white, green in any combination. Dress up!

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